About Mary Lou.
Hi There, Welcome. I'm so happy you stumbled upon my website, because that tells me there's something in you nudging you to get help or make a change. I️ hope that by giving you more information about me, it will help you feel more comfortable and encouraged to take that next step.
My clients typically describe me as warm, welcoming, trustworthy, and ultimately very helpful.
I️ have a strong passion for this field and have had the honor of seeing my clients' successes in coping with symptoms of mood disorders, healing from trauma, repairing or better managing difficult relationships, and overall having a much more manageable and enjoyable life.
I️ use a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, solution-focused therapy, and feedback-informed therapy approaches.
What this means is I️ focus on both childhood root issues of the past as well as finding solutions to help you manage your mental health symptoms today. After each session, I️ ask for feedback from you, so we can work together towards you having the most effective and efficient results from our time together.
Master of Science in Counseling, Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy, California State University Long Beach
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Gonzaga University.
Clinical Experience
Therapist and Intake Coordinator at Jewish Family & Children's Services.
Therapist at CSULB Community Clinic.
Therapist at Hope By the Sea Treatment Center.
Therapist at Laguna Treatment Hospital
Therapist at OC Mental Health Associates group practice
Therapist at JSerra Catholic High School
Private practice owner
Certified Clinical Anxiety Treatment Professional by Evergreen
Externship in Emotion-Focused Therapy for Couples; Professional Training by Dr. Silvina Irwin.
Certified Clinical Trauma; Professional Training by: Dr. J. Eric Gentry- Arizona State University.
Hi, I'm Mary Lou.
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist &
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor.
Specialty Areas
Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar
Relationship Issues
Life Transitions
Healing from Trauma
Special Needs/Caretaker Support
Faith-based counseling